Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Very Superstitious....

So for those of you that really know me well, you can agree that i'm impulsive by nature and impatient when it comes to exciting things. So finding out the baby's gender fell right in line with my last minute impulse to seek out an ultrasound office 5 weeks earlier than planned :-) I also may be known to have slight superstitions...not the "walk under a ladder" or "step on a crack" kind, but more like the "don't speak too soon" and "knock on wood" kind. So now that i know the sex, my slightly superstitious nature has me dreaming all crazy and double & triple checking those '3 little boy dots' on the ultrasound picture and video. I think in my last dream i made the u/s lady check the baby's gender every couple hours. Now that we know it's a boy (fingers crossed), we've already started calling him by name and getting really excited about it!

Part of my impatient nature may have also resulted in the purchase of a couple baby boy pjs...but only because i couldn't pass up the little bulldogs. The girl's clothing department is always so much bigger than the boy's selection....but they still have some REALLY cute boy outfits and shoes! My Mom and Lauren may have already purchased the cutest 2 pairs of shoes i've ever seen.

Now that we've found out it's a boy and i've purchased my first "boy item"...my superstition is starting to quickly creep up on me. So until the 20 week ultrasound and the DOUBLE confirmation i'm looking for...i'm going to lay low on my impulsive purchases.

ps. thank you husband for not playing into my erroneous beliefs, sometimes your balance is greatly appreciated.

Superstition ain't the way,
mama j

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