Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Move, Stretch, Shake !

Mason waving hello to all!
Week: 21 ½

So i've been a serious internet stalker lately.  Most popular searches: baby moving, first time baby moves, why the heck is my little one not kicking me yet?  Okay so the last one is a little exaggeration, but not really.  I've been quizzing every single person i know who's had a baby on their week of "movement". Even the guy in the booth across from me at the tradeshow fell victim - he should have never told me his daughter was only a few days ahead of me.  Lesson learned: trying to compare yourself to everyone else will ONLY make you a crazy pregnant lady. And quite honestly, the hormones have that role completely covered.

After the last few weeks of waiting, complete with a friend suggested belly lay down "trick" and 4 days in Vegas (full of loud music, slot machines & 2 shirley temples)...i thought that'd be sure to shake him up.  I've already seen him moving plenty in those ultrasounds, so i know he's got the kung-fu kick i've been waiting for.

So at last....on my late night flight home from Vegas last night: there it was!!! I'm almost positive what i felt was a baby kick me from the inside.  I was listening to my iPod and trying to catch some zzz's and there it was !!! Then i felt a few other "flutters" moments after.  I mean it happened once and i don't think it was gas, so i'm almost positive i can mark last night's plane episode as BIG MOVEMENT #1.  I'm doing it...i'm calling it official and i'm sharing it all with you!   So now that i've felt one...i still plan on being a crazy pregnant lady until i feel some more "Mason Movements" come my way.  And the ultimate goal: daddy can feel it too!

Kickin it,
mama j

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